Adolescent health - Tanner stages

peds text 2004 MD consult . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

Tanner stages

TABLE 14-2 -- Classification of Sex Maturity Stages in Girls
SMR Stage Pubic Hair Breasts
1 Preadolescent Preadolescent
2 Sparse, lightly pigmented, straight, medial border of labia Breast and papilla elevated as small mound; areolar diameter increased
3 Darker, beginning to curl, increased amount Breast and areola enlarged, no contour separation
4 Coarse, curly, abundant but amount less than in adult Areola and papilla form secondary mound
5 Adult feminine triangle, spread to medial surface of thighs Mature, nipple projects, areola part of general breast contour
SMR = sexual maturity rating.
From Tanner JM: Growth at Adolescence, 2nd ed. Oxford, England, Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1962.


TABLE 14-3 -- Classification of Sex Maturity Stages in Boys
SMR Stage Pubic Hair Penis Testes
1 None Preadolescent Preadolescent
2 Scanty, long, slightly pigmented Slight enlargement Enlarged scrotum, pink, texture altered
3 Darker, starts to curl, small amount Longer Larger
4 Resembles adult type but less in quantity; coarse, curly Larger; glans and breadth increase in size Larger, scrotum dark
5 Adult distribution, spread to medial surface of thighs Adult size Adult size
SMR = sexual maturity rating.
Adapted from Tanner JM: Growth at Adolescence, 2nd ed. Oxford, England, Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1962.

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